(903) 571-8442

Education & Training

Classroom collaboration brings leadership to life

We’ve all been in classes that were interesting, but the principles presented were quickly forgotten because we didn’t see how they applied to our day-to-day lives in concrete ways. We ended up learning facts that seemed enlightening at the time, but we didn’t gain insights that stayed with us and had lasting impact.

In other words, the learning process was little more than one-way communication.

Kim Beckham believes in collaboration

Humans are not vessels that an educator can fill. Kim’s self-improvement courses focus on collaboration that tailors each module to the needs of individual participants. Each class is a two-way conversation with lots of Q and A, featuring real-world, application-oriented examples.

We offer three years of coursework in dynamic leadership growth classes to help you build lasting success into your life and career. For those starting out, taking each course in sequence is recommended to help you to build an ever-growing base to help you grow as a leader.


  • Change your thinking. Lay the foundation that leads to self-improvement.
  • Time management. Work hard but work smart.
  • Goals and visioneering. Set achievable and significant goals.
  • The Mind. Tap into the power of your subconscious mind.
  • Networking. Build relationships organically and strategically.
  • Handling failure. Conquer obstacles by learning from them.
  • Beliefs. Lift the lid that’s holding you back from leadership growth.
  • Integrity. Make sure your career is sabotage-proof.


  • Attitude. Create a mindset that surpasses even the best of skill sets.
  • Charisma. Develop and use the power of presence.
  • Public speaking. Learn the three keys to “wow” any audience.
  • Body language. Use posture and expression to communicate.
  • Accountability. Take personal responsibility to lead.
  • Delegation. Master the art of growing by helping others grow.
  • Confidence. Gain courage and the wisdom to use it wisely.
  • Work-life balance. Excel in all the important areas of your life.


  • Negotiation. Ask for what you want in a way that will help you get it.
  • Decision-making. Make wise, solid, and quick decisions.
  • Coaching. Lead people to success one-on-one.
  • Stress. Overcome what’s overwhelming your life.
  • Mental toughness. Become unstoppable, while imparting dignity to others.
  • Team-building. Lead people to conquer the impossible.
  • Disaster-preparation. Know what to do when everything goes wrong.
  • Mindset. Unlock a tool more powerful than skills and money.

This course was created due to popular demand from students who wanted to continue to have an ongoing dialogue with Kim, as well as other students who had completed the previous three modules. “Master Minds” brings together a group of individuals who have completed the previous three modules to share issues they are having and to seek group solutions to the challenges they face daily in the workplace.

“Master Minds” is the epitome of collaboration where people with a high level of leadership understanding can get together and solve problems and apply principles together.

One-on-one coaching can help you identify goals and dreams and recognize what you need to do to achieve them. A neutral third party who is honest and objective is a valuable ally, one who understands you and wants you to succeed. While it can be a little scary to open yourself to another person, an effective, collaborative coach will make you feel safe and comfortable.

All classes meet locally for each group, once a month from 11:30 to 1:00 pm.

Each class is limited to 20 people in-person, and the slots fill up fast. On-line options are often available.

All classes meet locally for each group, once a month from 11:30 to 1:00 pm.

Each class is limited to 20 people in-person, and the slots fill up fast. On-line options are often available

Tangibles included:

  • Eight days of dynamic teaching and coaching held once a month for eight months. All classes are taught by Kim Beckham.
  • Dynamic problem-solving focuses on specific challenges to lead you to breakthrough leadership growth for your career and life.
  • Three books, including two written by Kim Beckham, are included with your first course. An additional book is provided for each subsequent class: “Atomic Habits,” “The Power of Habit,” “Chatter,” and “Charisma.”
  • Assigned podcasts are assigned to further your learning.

“Reframe Your Perspective”
Course 1 Topics:

  • Change your thinking. Lay the foundation that leads to self-improvement.
  • Time management. Work hard but work smart.
  • Goals and visioneering. Set achievable and significant goals.
  • The Mind. Tap into the power of your subconscious mind.
  • Networking. Build relationships organically and strategically.
  • Handling failure. Conquer obstacles by learning from them.
  • Beliefs. Lift the lid that’s holding you back from leadership growth.
  • Integrity. Make sure your career is sabotage-proof.

“Go Deeper”
Course 2 Topics:

  • Attitude. Create a mindset that surpasses even the best of skill sets.
  • Charisma. Develop and use the power of presence.
  • Public speaking. Learn the three keys to “wow” any audience.
  • Body language. Use posture and expression to communicate.
  • Accountability. Take personal responsibility to lead.
  • Delegation. Master the art of growing by helping others grow.
  • Confidence. Gain courage and the wisdom to use it wisely.
  • Work-life balance. Excel in all the important areas of your life.

“Master Your Life”
Course 3 Topics:

  • Negotiation. Ask for what you want in a way that will help you get it.
  • Decision-making. Make wise, solid, and quick decisions.
  • Coaching. Lead people to success one-on-one.
  • Stress. Overcome what’s overwhelming your life.
  • Mental toughness. Become unstoppable, while imparting dignity to others.
  • Team-building. Lead people to conquer the impossible.
  • Disaster-preparation. Know what to do when everything goes wrong.
  • Mindset. Unlock a tool more powerful than skills and money.

The two keys to collaborative learning

Kim Beckham Leadership creates collaborative leadership growth by (1) motivating participants with many touchpoints to ensure they are gaining valuable and (2) engaging their minds in the learning process.

Dynamic participants and a collaborative environment foster learning. As a teacher and a facilitator that values interaction, Kim strives to create deeper connections, making it more likely that clients will retain and be able to apply the course teachings.

A collaborative learning environment has many benefits:
Increases interaction with participants and the class guide

  • Provides participants with frequent feedback
  • Requires increased time, effort, and investment for tasks
  • Offers participants the opportunity to apply their learning in other situations
  • Gives the opportunity to experience diversity and other viewpoints

You won’t be overwhelmed with course work

We offer you a very manageable time frame for advanced and effective learning. You’re encouraged to experiment in your daily lives and take notes on breakthroughs or challenges you’ve faced.

The courses provide ample opportunity for you apply what you’ve learned, moving from foundational to advanced, and to then share your experiences and get additional guidance.

Taking the courses in order leads you from foundational to advanced. But you can also take the courses out of sequence as well, if you see specific topics that you feel are critical to explore now.

You’ll gain confidence in your ability to lead

Kim Beckham has a growing list of satisfied graduates from varied careers in education, health care, accounting, real estate, small business, banking, and the nonprofit world. They are people who learn through application, as Kim explains:

“Research has shown that an “engaged” or, as I like to call it, a ‘collaborative’ learning environment increases attention and focus of participants and promotes meaningful learning experiences. It also motivates my clients to practice higher-level critical thinking skills by challenging them to envision and share how concepts could apply to their unique situations.

“When one class member shares how the learning can be applied to his or her situation, learning is fueled as others gain insights and see ways to apply these principles in their own settings. Now, as the class guide, I never require class participants to feel forced to share, but I do encourage and give many opportunities to ask questions and participate, using class time for both instruction, as well as inquiry and application.

“When collaborative learning takes place, we all learn. As the group facilitator, I become excited when I see new applications of leadership principles in all sorts of situations. That makes me a better instructor. Win-win.”

Kim Beckham giving a presentation

Get a free chapter from my third book just for signing up for my leadership insights.

Game Changers answers these questions:

  • Why do we talk ourselves out of opportunities?
  • Why do the opinions of others imprison us?
  • How can we push through fear to find success?
Game Changers - Book Cover