(903) 571-8442

Executive Coaching

One-on-one leadership coaching

Classroom collaboration brings leadership to life

As powerful as group education can be, growing leaders often benefit from in-depth, individualized coaching tailored to specific needs. Most organizations now recognize executive coaches as important partners in helping grow leadership in professionals. Let’s take a moment and review the “why” of executive coaching to enhance leadership growth. Any coaching client of Kim Beckham needs only an open mind and the desire to grow to reap these benefits:
An outside perspective helps us develop accurate self-awareness. Leaders who have a clear self-image are enjoy a strong correlation with effectiveness and profitability. Employees prefer to follow leaders who see themselves clearly and are open to sharing their perceptions. Kim Beckham works with you to help you see yourself more clearly. As a result, you’ll be able to confidently question assumptions, learn where you’re strong and where you need to grow, and to see yourself objectively.
Understanding others is often more difficult than understanding ourselves. If we don’t understand others, we may lose good employees because we don’t recognize and support their capabilities or take note of areas that were challenging. We may keep poor performers too long because we see potential that may not really be there. We may stumble politically with peers and other leaders. An insightful coach will help you overcome these traps and help you see others in a new light.
Situations are always in flux. Our environment is ever-changing. “That’s the way we’ve always done it” is an easy attitude to adopt, but it’s one of those hidden dangers. Even though specific approaches may have served us well in the past, we all need to remain open to consider new ways. For example, you may have been promoted due to your outstanding productivity as an individual. But now you’re leading others, and your perspective needs to expand from focusing on personal results to inspiring and directing your team. Recognition of existing strengths. Having an effective and supportive coach can help you leverage internal strengths you may be underestimating. Often, people don’t recognize unique insights and abilities; they take them for granted. A collaborative coach will help you identify your assets and build on them.
Being able to form interpersonal bridges with others is the hallmark of good leadership. It’s easy to connect with those who are like us. Being able to understand different behavioral styles is an extremely helpful skill in your leadership toolkit. A good coach collaborates with you so you can create productive relationships with a wide variety of people.
One-on-one coaching can help you identify goals and dreams and recognize what you need to do to achieve them. A neutral third party who is honest and objective is a valuable ally, one who understands you and wants you to succeed. While it can be a little scary to open yourself to another person, an effective, collaborative coach will make you feel safe and comfortable.
Kim Beckham Collaborative Leadership Growth is committed to helping individuals make their dreams come true. Here are some specifics to help you get a better sense of how our coaching structure is set up:

“Next Level” Collaborative Coaching Framework

  • One-on-one coaching allows the client’s needs to be the sole area of discussion.
  • Once-a-month, one-hour coaching helps identify and improve key areas.
  • Based upon the targets agreed upon with the client, coaching can include assigned readings from top selling books and podcasts from leadership professionals.
  • The power of accountability will “supercharge” your goals.
  • Key to this is the principle that “what’s inspected” is what improves.
  • Each month, the client commits to goals with accountability inspection the following month.
  • Collaborative discussion creates the organic discovery of insights into new skills and opportunities to learn more.
  • Most people find that having time set aside for in-depth conversations about work or life challenges ensures that opportunities are kept in the forefront of leadership for the upcoming month.
  • Breakthroughs flow from the give-and-take of discussion between the coach and client.
  • The chemistry between client and coach is the super-charging catalyst for effective change.
  • Coaching creates a safe and private place to discuss confidential matters without fear or concern.

Get a free chapter from my third book just for signing up for my leadership insights.

Game Changers answers these questions:

  • Why do we talk ourselves out of opportunities?
  • Why do the opinions of others imprison us?
  • How can we push through fear to find success?
Game Changers - Book Cover